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BSc chemistry Complementary 2020 onwards

Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), a fraternity of Chemistry Teachers of the colleges of Kerala is organizing a Webinar for academic community on
Intellectual Property Rights :Pathways to Patent
Resource Person - Dr.Prema K. H.,
Associate Professor of Chemistry,
S. D. College,
Date: 26 May, 2021
Time: 10.30 am
Online Platform: Google Meet
We cordially invite all to participate in the Webinar. Please register using the link given below.
Registration is free.
Registered participants will receive webinar link through respective email id.
Online Registration
For any enquiry: +91 9846909077, 9037277935
Webinar for Post Graduate Students
Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), a fraternity of Chemistry Teachers of the colleges of Kerala is organizing a Webinar for Post Graduate Students (Kerala University syllabus based) on- Computational Chemistry

Resource Person -
Dr.E. G. Jayasree
Assistant Professor of Chemistry,
University of Kerala,
Date: 21 November, 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 10 am
Online Platform: Zoom Meet
We cordially invite all to participate in the Webinar. Please register using the link given below. Registration is free.
Registered participants will receive webinar link through respective email id.
Teachers are requested to urge their MSc students (S3) to make use of this opportunity.
Online Registration
For any enquiry, +91 9447110857, mdmullassery@gmail.com
National Webinar on Hymn of herbs: Searching for panaceas from Western Ghats
Organized by Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) Thiruvananthapuram on 1st August 2020 at 10.00 am
Resource Person Dr. K V Radhakrishnan (Senior Scientist, CSIR,-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram)
Online Registration
National Seminar on
Green Approaches towards Chemical Synthesis
7th and 8th November 2019
Organsized by
Postgraduate Department of Chemistry ST. College Kottarakara
Programme details
International Symposium on Advanced Functional Materials (ISAFM 2018)
12th October, 2018 Programme details
Fatima Mata National College, Kollam
State Level Seminar on Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques
on 22.11.2017. Programme details
Mannam Memorial NSS College Kottiyam, Kollam organizing One day State level Seminar on
New Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Research (NFIR 2016) sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment
in Association with Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) on Date 15th March 2016
Programme details
UGC Sponsored National Seminar - Advanced analytical Techniques
March 9-11, 2016
Programme details
The seminar series at M G College in association with ACT
Inauguration on 25th January 2016
by Dr George Thomas K, Dean Faculty of Science IISER, Thiruvananthapuram.
Brochure | Programme chart
State level seminar on Solar Photochemistry- Fundamentals and applications
Organised by FMN College Kollam, sponsored by KSCSTE in association with ACT.
Programme details
HHMSPB NSS College for Women, Neeramankara is conducting
Two days - UGC Sponsored National Seminar Recent Developments in Inorganic Nano Materials
on-15/12/2015 - 16/12/2015 in association with ACT Programme details
UGC sponsored National Seminar on
"Nanochemistry - Techniques, advancement and application"
16th October 2015
Venue : SD college, Alappuzha, in collaboration with ACT Programme details
New Horizons in Advanced Materials
17-18, September 2015
Venue: University College, Thiruvananthapuram Programme details
National seminar at DB college
UGC and KSCSTE Sponsored National Seminar on Green analytical techniques
at DB College Sasthamcotta from September 09 to 10 In association with Academy of Chemistry teachers (ACT). Programme details
Kerala State Council for science Technology and environment
Sponsored National Seminar on
Nanomaterials and its Applications
(NSNA - 2015) 1st October 2015. Programme details
Academy of Chemistry Teachers, in association with Dept. of chemistry, University College, Thiruvananthapuram.
Inaugural function of Silver jubilee celebrations of ACT,
On 25th JULY 2015 at Dept. of chemistry, Thiruvananthapuram. Programme details
MSM College, Kayamkulam organizing
UGC sponsored Workshop on
Computational Chemistry-From Theory to Application IN SILICO 15
in collaboration with the Academy of Chemistry Teachers
on 29-31July, 2015. Programme details
Open forum on
"M Sc Chemistry Inorganic Practical - Spectral & Thermal Analysis &
Invited talk on - 2D & 3D NMR spectroscopy"
Organized by
in association with
Department of Chemistry, Government Arts College,
Govt. Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram, 28th February, 2015 (Saturday), 9.45 am - 1.30 pm
Programme Details
One day Workshop on
“Practical in Chemistry” (B. Sc. Core and Complementary)”
Fatima Mata National College,
Kollam. 17th January, 2015 (Saturday),
9.45am - 1.15 pm
Programme Details
U.G.C. Sponsored Seminar on
31st December 2014
Programme Details
UGC Sponsored National Seminar
"Recent and Emerging Advances in Chemical Sciences" (REACS -2015)
The Department of Chemistry, All Saints' College, Thiruvananthapuram,
in Association with Academy of Chemistry Teachers on January 8th & 9th 2015.
Programme Details | Registration form
National Seminar on
Principles and applications of quantum chemistry
On 30& 31 October 2014
Jointly Organised by
Department of Chemistry,
MESM College, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala. & KSCSTE, Kerala
In association with ACT
Programme Details
Lecture in
Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics.
Date and Time – 25/10/2014 at 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Venue - Seminar Hall, Mahatma Gandhi College
Programme Details
An executive meeting of the ACT will be held on the same day at 1.30 pm in chemistry department of MG College.
National Seminar on
Emerging trends in material science
Organised by
Post Graduate Department of Chemistry & Research Centre,
Sree Narayana College For Women, Kollam, Kerala.
Programme Details
SciFinder training
On17th JULY 2014 - 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
Seminar Hall, S.N. College, Chempazhanthy, Thiruvananthapuram.
Programme Details
State level seminar on
On 24th June 2014 ,
Organized By
The Research & Post Graduate Department Of Chemistry,
Fatima Mata National College
Programme Details
Two day National Seminar on
Trends in Combinatorial Chemistry and Cheminformatics
Organized by the
PG Department of Chemistry
In association with the
Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT)
20th and 21st of March 2014
Programme Details
Workshop on
Programme Details | Registration Form
UGC sponsored
National Seminar on
Material Science
Modern Analytical
March 26-27, 2014
Venue: M.P.M.M.S.N.Trusts College,
Shoranur, Palakkad, Kerala, India
Programme Details | Registration Form
Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), the most active professional organization of Chemistry Teachers in Kerala, wishes you a happy academic year 2012-2013.
The annual meeting of ACT will be held on 16th June 2012 at the Department of Chemistry, University College, Thiruvananthapuram from 9.30 onwards. “A Workshop on Chemistry Lab course & Student Project for FDP (CBCS) of Chemistry (Core & Complementary)” is organized on the day to discuss and finalize the various aspects to be considered for finalizing the examination scheme, criteria of weightage for various components in the Lab course examinations at the end of 4th and 6th semesters.
The workshop will also focus on various aspects of
· PG chemistry syllabus revision
· The conduct of B.Sc. (core) and complementary Lab course exams
· Implementation of B.Sc. Chemistry Project
· Fund utilization formalities for Chemical/equipment purchase
· Carrier advancement schemes of young teachers
Experts will handle the different sessions.Election to the office bearers of ACT for the coming two years will be conducted during the annual meeting. We welcome teachers of all institutions to actively participate in the programme and make it a grand success.
“Frontiers in Organic Synthesis
And Drug Discovery”
On 1st & 2nd March 2012
October 12-14, 2011
Workshop on Virtual Labs in CHEMICAL SCIENCES
Monday 19th September 2011
Dear All
Chemistry forms the basis for understanding the nature of humankind and the universe and has played a pivotal role in the development of all sciences. Almost everything in everyday life has a benefit from chemical sciences, and therefore it has a very huge influence on human life. As a branch of natural science, chemistry is a very powerful tool that can create a better future, or in contrary, if it mislead can create disaster. For this reason, appropriate usage of chemical knowledge can lead human being to improve their quality of life. Chemistry is both rapidly growing and embracing other sciences, and therefore researchers require update in recent development of this field.
To celebrate this branch of science, the United Nations have declared the year 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC-2011) with the theme
“Chemistry - our life, our future”.
The Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala is organizing a UGC sponsored National Seminar on
“Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences: Frontiers and Challenges”
on 25-26 August 2011.
Click to Download seminar Brochure
for further details please contact
Dr. T.S. Anirudhan
Professor and Head
(Convenor, RTCSFC-2011)
Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum, Kerala 695581
Email: rtcsfc2011@gmail.com
Dear Sir/Madam
Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), a registered and recognized professional organization of Chemistry Teachers in Kerala, has been actively engaged in promoting the spirit and relevance of chemistry and assisting students and teachers in updating their knowledge in the emerging frontiers of the discipline, since its inception in 1991.
As you are aware, International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC 2011) is celebrated all over the world to commemorate the achievements of chemistry, and its contributions to humankind. It aims to raise awareness of chemistry among the general public and to attract young people into the field, as well as to highlight the role of chemistry in solving global problems.
Departments of Chemistry of various colleges in Kerala have conducted some kickoff events in the month of February and March 2011 in connection with IYC 2011. Apart from giving full support to the planning and conduct of such programmes, ACT has also organized some programmes in its own. Following the motivational suggestions from Dr. C.T.S. NAIR, Dr. C.G. RAMACHANDRAN NAIR, Dr. M. P. PARAMESWARAN, Dr R.V.G. MENON and Dr. T.S. ANIRUDHAN, we are planning to organize more programmes aiming at inspiring the general public, young researchers, students of colleges and schools to strengthen and popularize chemistry.
Academy of Chemistry Teachers hosts a meeting to discuss and finalize future programmes of IYC 2011 in Kerala, on 5th May 2011 (Thursday). The meeting will begin at 10.00 am at the department of Chemistry, University College, Trivandrum and Dr. C.G. RAMACHANDRAN NAIR has kindly agreed to chair the session.
We invite all who are interested in this endeavor, and all who can help us in making the effort fruitful, to the meeting for their active participation and support. We request you to attend the meeting and share your ideas and plans for formulating future programmes for celebrating IYC 2011. Let us work together for a better tomorrow.
Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), a registered and recognized professional organization of Chemistry Teachers in Kerala, has been actively engaged in promoting the spirit and relevance of chemistry and assisting students and teachers in updating their knowledge in the emerging frontiers of the discipline, since its inception in 1991.
ACT hosts a meeting to discuss and finalize future programmes of IYC 2011 in Kerala, on 5th May 2011 (Thursday). The meeting will begin at 10.00 am at the department of Chemistry, University College, Trivandrum and Dr. C.G. RAMACHANDRAN NAIR has kindly agreed to chair the session.
We request you to attend the meeting and share your ideas and plans for formulating future programmes for celebrating IYC 2011.
Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), organizes a ‘One day seminar
on Cheminformatics’ at the Post Graduate Department of Chemistry, Fatima
Mata National College, Kollam on 16-03-2011, Wednesday from 10.00 am to
3.30 pm.
CADD2011 National workshop on Computer Aided Drug Design
from 17th to 19th March 2011
Details of forthcoming seminars/workshops
organized by the PG departments of various colleges in association with ACT
Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) of CSIR, New Delhi and Academy of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Kerala, are jointly organizing seminars at the DBT-BIF Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Kerala on 12-08-2010 and at Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattur, Alleppey on 13-08-2010. The seminars cover various aspects of drug discovery.
We invite teachers, researchers and students of all institutions to participate in the programme. Let us work hand-in-hand to accomplish the lofty aim of OSDD.
The prominent speakers in the seminar are
Mr. Zakir Thomas,
Project Director, OSDD, New Delhi,
Dr. Ram Viswakarma
Director, IIIM, Jammu.
Dr. GPS Raghava
Scientist and Head Bioinformatics Centre, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh
Dr. Achuthsankar S. Nair,
Hon. Director, Centre for Bioinformatics, UoK
Dr. Pawan K. Dhar,
Hon. Director, Centre for Systems & Synthetic Biology, UoK
Dr. Vinod Scaria,
Scientist, IGIB, New Delhi,
Dr. U.C. Abdul Jaleel,
Department of Cheminformatics, MCC Calicut,
Mr. Girinath G. Pillai,
Centre for Bioinformatics, UoK